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16 things you should do and not do this weekend



club girls
Can hear many of you thinking ‘Do’


We know how Fridays go. You get home from work, probably sleep a little then hit up your guys or girls to go to the club.

Here are things you should consider doing or not doing when clubbing is on your agenda.

Your typical Friday night hangout


DO eat a good meal before you go out. The club isn’t the best place to look for asun.

DO carry enough cash. So you can take a cab home in case your ride isn’t ready to go when you are.

DO delete certain phone numbers. And we mean anyone whose phone number you most definitely do not want to drunk dial!

Best to get this done before your first drink! You’ll thank me in the morning ?

DON’T mix drinks! Although vodka, tequila, and rum may sound like a good idea, your stomach will hate you in the morning.

DON’T pee in the street. Always use the toilet before leaving the house or club.

P.S if you’re a party animal, ensure you go with one of those friends you know can handle it all and keep you in check when you let loose.

Saturdays are for owambe

Your body will get the chance to burst that dance move it’s been itching to show off

Then comes Saturday! Turrrrrn up!

Your classmate from years ago or a cousin’s friend’s neighbour (just anybody) is getting married and your tailor murdered your aso ebi.

You’re about to pepper them silly!

Here are some things you should have in your head before stepping out though.

DO arrive on time. Especially when you’re an invited guest and not one of the ‘mo gbo mo ya’ guests.

DO introduce yourself. Especially when you find yourself sitting on a table with people you don’t know. It’s a great way to make new friends.

DO bring gifts and/or cash. It’s Nigeria, where it’s customary to give the newly weds some cash at least during their first dance.

DO say thank you. Be sure to thank the couple for the invite and don’t forget to wish them all the best in the new chapter of their lives.

DON’T wear white to the wedding! ‘Daring’ ladies please leave that white dress for another.

DON’T propose to your girlfriend! It’s cheap, tacky and just steals the attention from bride of the day.

DON’T invite your ex to your wedding. Unless you’re all very good friends and your significant other is aware and okay with the idea; but even at that, don’t!

Happy Sunday!

Sunday for the Lord
Praise the Lord

Hey! It’s the Sabbath day.

Unless you’re Seventh Day Adventist then you can swap my Saturday list with Sunday’s.

Here are some things you should take into consideration when going to church be it on Saturday, Sunday or for mid week service.

DO carry your Bible. Otherwise, what exactly are you going to do? That’s like a student going to school without his or her book.

DO leave that short skirt for next Friday night please. And before you come at me with that 1 Samuel 16:7 defence, open that same Bible to Matthew 5:28. Yes boo.

DON’T be a known late comer. Try to make it on time as often as possible. The earlier you are, the less arguments you’ll have with the ushers.

DON’T snapchat everything. Jeez! We get your church is fine, and the praise and worship session is lit. But try and focus on why and who you’re there for, yes?

She’s not on Snapchat but then again, is that not how you snapchatters do


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