15 Reminders That can Comfort You when there is anxiety


15 Reminders That can Comfort You when there is anxiety



Your thoughts, more than anything, affect how you feel and ultimately your perspective of the world. People with anxiety often have an intensely negative view. They overestimate the likelihood of something bad happening, exaggerate the consequences, and underestimate their ability to cope. Learn to judge your thoughts critically instead of accepting them as facts.

Next time you are feeling anxious, ponder on these things, it could help to comfort and calm you down in the heat of things.

  1. This will pass, and more quickly if you don’t resist it.
  2. You can and will get through this and this can make you stronger.
  3. You are safe.
  4. Your body is trying to protect you.
  5. The past and future cannot hurt you in the present.
  6. Thoughts can only hurt you if you give them power.
  7. Worrying will not change the outcome.
  8. What is worrying you is temporary.
  9. You have everything you need.
  10. You are stronger than you think.
  11. You are loved and supported.
  12. Things often are not as bad as they seem.
  13. Trust can sometimes be the antidote to anxiety.
  14. You deserve your own love and compassion.
  15. You are not alone.


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