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14 cadets dismissed over exam malpractices, indiscipline



14 cadets dismissed over exam malpractices, indiscipline

14 cadets have dismissed by the Nigeria Defence Academy, Kaduna, after being tried and found guilty on various offenses, including examination malpractices, indiscipline and other acts of misconduct.

The NDA, established in February 1964, is a degree awarding military institution offering undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

gathered on Tuesday that 13 cadets were dismissed while one was demoted from the 400 level to 300 level.

The disciplinary action was announced in a signal by the NDA authorities dated May 15, obtained by our correspondent.

It read, “Today being May 15, 2020, at 13:04 hours, NDA Commandant, Maj. Gen. Jamil Sarham, tried 14 cadets on various offences; 13 were dismissed from the academy while one was relegated from the fourth termer (400 level) to three.

“The dismissed cadets have handed over all their military kits to the military police and the process of handing them over to their next-of-kin commenced at 18:06 hours. They exited without hitches.”

Findings indicate that the military authorities did not make arrangements for the trial of the disgraced ex-cadets for exam malpractices.

The Examination Malpractice Act 33 of 1999 stipulates punishment ranging from a fine of N50,000 to N100,000 and imprisonment for a term of three to four years with or without an option of fine.

The Defence spokesman, Brig. Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, could not be reached for comment on why the dismissed cadets were not prosecuted as he did not respond to calls and SMS.

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