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10 wonders you didn’t know that toothpaste can perform



Although the primary use of toothpaste is to clean the teeth and improve dental hygiene, there are several other things that you can use it for. Every household has one. And because of the common availability of toothpaste, you can try everything listed here.


1. It removes stains from clothes

Toothpaste can act as a stain remover for clothes


2. Toothpaste works well for filling small holes in walls


3. It relieves insect bites

Many Nigerians will love this


4. It helps clear pimples and acne

There are many ways to maintain your beauty, including a toothpaste apparently


5. You can clean sneakers with it

Look at me now


6. It cleans silver rings

Keep your ring shiny always


7. It removes onion smell from hands

Sadly, it doesn’t help with keeping you from ‘crying’ when cutting onions


8. It removes scratches from headlamps and wristwatches


9. It cleans iron

Every Nigerian definitely can relate to this


10. Your mirrors will shine when cleaned with toothpaste

Now you can see your pretty face without blemish every day

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