10 things successful people do before their lunch time

Whether it is a busy day at work or your day off, getting started before 12pm is a very important, and here’s how successful people do it:


  1. Wake up 10 minutes before you normally do

It will give you extra time to adjust to doing whatever you like. These 10 minutes may give you a chance to do something you did not do yesterday.


  1. When you wake up, get out of bed

Yes, it’s comfortable and warm under the covers, but your day starts when you do. Before you know it you take some minutes more and then you are already late.


  1. Don’t check your phone first thing

Avoid grabbing your phone to check missed messages. Give yourself time to wake up first. All your emails will still be in your inbox later.


  1. Don’t eat on the run

Give yourself time to sit down, eat, and actually enjoy your breakfast. Speed eating can lead to indigestion and reflux.


  1. Take time for yourself

Enjoy some alone time. You can read, listen to music, meditate or pray. Whatever it is, enjoy this alone time and relax because the day is likely to be busy.


  1. Be flexible with your to-do list

Whether you like to make a to-do list the night before or the morning of, organize what needs to get done today. If it is not a priority, leave it for later on. This is the time to be proactive and take care of what needs your attention the most.


  1. Get the most important things out of the way

Do them between 9-10 AM. That will get the ball rolling for the other tasks that lie ahead.


  1. Slow and steady wins the race

Working at a steady pace is crucial when it comes to avoiding a burn out. Work at a pace that will not make you feel rushed or stressed.


  1. Don’t feel guilty for taking multiple breaks

Take time to assess what you have done, make note of necessary follow-ups, and take mental breaks if you feel stuck.


  1. Make adjustments to your to-do list

Look at what’s left on your list and see if anything needs to be changed. Then, after lunch, you can get started as soon as possible and would not have to waste time figuring out what to do.



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