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10 Sure Signs That you Should be Changing Jobs in 2017



To Change a job or not

When you land a new job, you set high expectations for yourself. For the next 5 years or so, you believe you don’t have to worry about a new job. Career advancement and all the trophies and rewards that come with stellar performance is all you can dream about. However, one year into the job and  you start feeling a bit antsy, and the regular thoughts of moving on become more profound. Sometimes, stress and problems at home could set the pace for this kind of frustration. But that should be temporary. If you find yourself constantly dragging yourself out of bed to work, it might be time to probably consider changing job. Here are other signs that it might be time to move on.

1. You dread going to work:

That early morning vim is gone. Energy completely evaporated. What could possibly be happening? The body and mind are in a complete state of non compos mentis. A lot of factors could account for this kind of lackadaisical attitude to work. The realities on the ground didn’t align well with your expectations when you first landed the job, or you feel an inadequacy within the role. Either way, it’s time to start thinking of an exit strategy.

2. Your company isn’t getting profitable:

For two years in a row, allowances haven’t been paid, or salary increments haven’t been effected. Communication from top management subtly implies the company is struggling. The most loyal workers are those who go through difficulties with their companies through thick and thin and get duly rewarded when things turn around for good. You could be one of those. However, there are times when you should be smart enough to pick up warning signals that clearly show a dead-end to the troubles. This is mostly manifested in the attitude and posturing of top management. When the red light blinks, start preparing an exit strategy.

3. You’ve been skipped for promotions:

Three years in a row, no promotion. Not only is it frustrating, it is an indictment on your ability to excel and shine. Sometimes it isn’t your fault. Sometimes too, it is. You’re probably struggling with the role or still finding it difficult to adjust to the company’s culture and performance standards. Clearly, you are not moving on in your career. That is very detrimental to you. By all means necessary, you’ve got to start thinking of moving on. Start thinking of a job that creates a natural habitat for your skillset and work culture. A new job and company where you feel you would be appreciated.

4. Your job is no longer challenging:

Unless you work in a fast paced, challenging environment, most people fall into a routine of daily tasks and responsibilities. This can easily lead to complacency. The danger of complacency is that it can quickly degenerate into a bunch excuses and ultimately unwarranted fear. You eventually lose self-confidence. Your performance becomes lacklustre and you begin to lose the drive you started out with.

5. Your boss refuses to sign your job contract:

This is a common trap most fresh graduates find themselves in. After undertaking national service, you search for a job for three good years and  you finally land a job. Your offer letter states that you must have satisfactorily gone through a six month probation period before your performance is assessed and then your position confirmed. One year in, the boss is still tossing you around with all manner of excuses. No matter how lucrative the job might be, you must set your plan B in motion; get a new job. It is easy to get trapped in the bubble of promises. Don’t be fooled. Keep one foot in, one foot out. That’s how to win at this job game.

6. You have a strong feeling to move:

Sometimes you just have the urge to move. Your soul is not at peace. Your inner self is pushing you. Never underestimate your intuition. Listen to it. Often times, it is difficult to point to a single reason why you feel the urge to move. Bearing in mind that we are spiritual beings, such supermundane feelings are mostly warning signs to events in the future that we cannot immediately foresee. Go by your instincts. Move when the opportunity presents itself. However, before you move, do some deep inner searching and be absolutely confident that a job change is just what you want.

7. You acquired new skills and need to move on:

It is possible for an individual to outgrow a job or a company. It happens all the time in the field of sports. When your skills become superior and far advanced than your current job or company can contain, then you need a bigger platform to shine. Take the jump. It is in the interest of both the company and yourself.

8. Your employer declines to give you leave days and does not pay overtime:

This is another of the boulders lying across the path in mostly indigenous companies. They work their employees to a pulp, with little to no remuneration at all. The labour laws are thrown into complete oblivion, with managers and owners of such company become mini-gods. They set their own laws, and become tyrants in the face of growing disdain among staff. If you find yourself in such a company, instead of expending energy fighting the system, quietly set in motion your plan B. Run as far as you can from such a company. Any hope of reform could only be a daydream.

9. Your salary is stagnated:

The only way most employees measure their progress, both at work and in life, is by how fast their incomes rise. If you are not getting paid well enough for your work, you might as well just abandon it. We work because we need to earn money to improve our lives. If this isn’t happening, there is no need working then. Before you hit the exit button, be sure to approach your immediate manager or HR in charge of staff welfare and put forth your concern. Here’s how to negotiate for a higher salary. If negotiations don’t pull through and you still  find yourself in a trap hole, start searching vigorously for a new job.

10. No opportunities for growth and advancement:

This is clearly a no-brainer. Lack of opportunities for growth could get you stagnated and outdated in your job. In this 21st Century, it is absolutely essential for employees to keep acquiring and updating their skills every single year. In some professions, such as ICT, 3 months interval is the norm for updating your skillset. According to the World Economic Forum Report on the future of work, “disruptive changes to business models will have a profound impact on the employment landscape over the coming years.” These disruptive changes will be catapulted by drastic advancement in science and technology. If your company is not making room for your growth and advancement, then it’s time to say “adios” and move on.

Do you think there are other factors that could point one towards the exit door of his/her current jobs? Share in the comments

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