10 small work wins that are worth celebrating

Small wins help you change your habits and keep you motivated at your job. Often times, the small things matter the most. They emphasize setting goals so you can feel the joy of your accomplishments more often. See 10 small wins you could celebrate at work;

  1. Gaining Acknowledgement

If you get commended for a job well done, that is something you should be recognizing. While it is not something you should go around bragging about at work, tell your spouse or partner or best friend over happy hour about a promotion or pay raise you just got at work. Save what it is that was said to you, it is something you want to be able to look at if you are having a down day in the future.

  1. Being Productive

There are some days at work where you just struggle to be motivated. But on the days when you know you got a good, productive day in, it’s good to take note of that. Maybe jot down what you did that day so you can replicate it again. Let yourself relax a little when you get.

  1. Keeping Your Cool

When work gets hectic, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and have a meltdown. It happens to the best of us. When you manage to get through an extra stressful day without letting it get the best of you, it’s time to treat yourself. When you get home, pour a glass of wine and watch an episode of that show you’ve been meaning to catch up on.

  1. Giving That Big Presentation

You have been preparing for weeks and all that hard work is finally paying off. Presentations can make you feel nervous, so it is especially important to celebrate if you are someone who struggles with them

  1. Fixing That Difficult Problem

You have been trying to fix that issue in your assignment for weeks, and you finally got it done.  Write an interesting blog post about your process and how you fixed it. That way, you can share it with others and also have it written down in case you run into the situation again.

  1. Learning a New Skill

Learning should always be celebrated. Show off that skill and be proud that you have learned something new and do not have to ask for help to do it. You can celebrate this by building on what you have learned. Practice a new, fun skill outside of work that you have always wanted to learn.

  1. Handling That Difficult Customer/Coworker

Unfortunately, we cannot completely avoid difficult people at work. It may not always be easy to handle them gracefully, which is all the more reason to reward yourself when you do. The real reward comes when you treat yourself after.

  1. Accomplishing a Long-Term Goal

If you have a list of goals you want to accomplish, it’s a big deal when you finally reach one of them, even if it is small. Give yourself a little break after this.

  1. Being Excited About the Work You Are Doing

If you are one of the few who are actively engaged and happy with your job, then you should relish every minute of it. Celebrate the fact that you really enjoy what you’re doing. Bring in donuts for your department or suggest a lunch with your team and show that you appreciate them.

  1. Making It Through a Mountain of Tasks

If you came back from the weekend with a giant pile of files on your desk to deal with, it is going to feel pretty overwhelming. When you finally make it through all that work, it would feel amazing.



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