
Here are the 10 most influential TV series of all time

Here are the 10 most influential TV series of all time







Television is an evolving medium and has been since American households welcomed TVs into the living room almost a century ago.

There’s no better evidence, perhaps, of television’s progressive growth over the years than the embarrassment of riches to be found and savoured on the small screen today; there’s programming for everyone, no matter what their tastes or where their proclivities lie.

Nailing down the shows that have influenced television’s development over time is a daunting task; there’s a lot of TV to choose from, so much that any individual’s list would feel totally unique to another’s.

This list is off sorting through countless titles to make picks for the series that have wielded the most influence over television, movies, and pop culture at large.

Let us know in the comments if you agree with the list or there are a few shows that should have made the list instead.

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