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10 affordable fun date ideas for lovers



Who says you have to break the bank to have s super-romantic time with your partner?

Enjoying a beautiful time with your partner doesn’t always have to cost so much. There are lots of fun stuff you could be doing instead of planning expensive dates and trips. Here’s a few.


1. Get some popcorns and watch a movie together

Netflix and Chill with bae

Netflix and chill is always best with some popcorn and when it’s done with the love of your life.


2. Watch funny YouTube videos

hapy couple
From the abundance of the heart…

Or comedy shows. Laughter is a great stress reliever, and doing it with someone social makes the moment even more enjoyable.


3. Picnic at a quiet spot

Good for your health too

Look for a quiet place that can act as a picnic spot. Enjoy the beautiful scenery and romantic moment while eating some delicious meals.


4. Prepare a delicious meal together and have a romantic dinner


Why spend money on outdoor dinner dates all the time when you can do it in the comfort of your home? Make the moment even more special by preparing the meal together, setting up the table and enjoying a beautiful moment with the one you love.


5. Learn something new together

2face and Annie dance
Learning to dance together is always a win

This is a great way of bonding as it makes that particular craft (whatever it might be) pretty special to both of you. It becomes ‘our meal’, ‘our dace’, etc, and will always remind you of your partner.


6. Play video games

playing games
Tip: A woman that plays FIFA is rare and special. Keywords, rare and special

What better way to enjoy your favourite video game than with the one you love?


7. Go for ice cream and walk back home while eating your cones

If you’re far from home, walk to a busstop and order an Uber

You can hold hands while walking back home. This is not only romantic but deliciously fun and a great time to talk and be silly with each other.


8. Play question and answer games

couple games
It’s a fun way to know more of each other

Ask each other questions. Any kind at all; from bold and daring to deep and intellectual. It’s fun and also reveals tiny details about your partner you probably didn’t even know.


9. Workout together

A relationship works out when the couple workout together

Partners that exercise together stay healthy together. It’s also a great way of bonding.


10. Discuss future plans

Couple lying down with bills
Nothing says ‘I’m serious about our relationship’ than this

Take turns discussing each other’s passion and dreams; it’s another way of getting to know yourselves better. It’s easy to assume you know your partner to the teeth, but you’ll be surprised at the things you never would have guessed about them.

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